Frequently Asked Questions
Southeastern Brain Tumor Foundation Frequently Asked Questions
We do not provide direct expense assistance to patients. We do partner with local metro-Atlanta treatment facilities to assist with transportation expenses, parking expenses and grocery or meal delivery. Please speak to your social worker or nurse and see if your treatment facility is a SBTF partner. If not, please have them contact us at to learn about becoming a partner in hope.
The SBTF functions as a resource for the brain tumor patient & patient’s
family. We host and facilitate brain tumor support group meetings, award educational scholarships to brain tumor patients & family members seeking a post-secondary education, provide educational and uplifting information via social media platforms, and endeavor to connect patients & families with other brain tumor/brain cancer organizations throughout the world as well as in the US. We do not directly reimburse patients or their caregivers for expenses incurred during treatment or after.
We do not reimburse patients directly.
The SBTF defrays expenses (like patient parking) by providing funds to brain tumor treatment facilities to be distributed by their staff.
The SBTF does not charge a fee for the patient/caregiver resources provided.
Volunteer opportunities can be found by emailing us at
No, we do not recommend any specific treatments. However the websites on our “Useful Links” page may contain information you can use.
In addition, the SBTF was part of the working group with the American Brain Tumor Association to develop Guiding Principles for Central Nervous System Tumor Treatment Centers and the development of a Treatment Center Guide. Please visit our Resources Page to learn more.
We do not make treatment recommendations or referrals but will try to answer general disease related questions. Email us at
However, the SBTF was part of the working group with the American Brain Tumor Association to develop Guiding Principles for Central Nervous System Tumor Treatment Centers and the development of a Treatment Center Guide. Please visit our Resources Page to learn more.
Absolutely, we are here to lend support and provide answers or direction. We do not make treatment recommendations or referrals but will try to answer general disease related questions. Email us at .
In addition, the SBTF was part of the working group with the American Brain Tumor Association to develop Guiding Principles for Central Nervous System Tumor Treatment Centers and the development of a Treatment Center Guide. Please visit our Resources Page to learn more.
The SBTF is the benefactor of several fundraisers throughout the year. We also offer several fundraising activities throughout the year, like Race For Research (a 5K road race), Golf Invitational, Giving Tuesday, personal fundraisers, and various Facebook fundraisers.
The Southeastern Brain Tumor Foundation strives to assure at least $0.65 of each dollar is spent directly on programs including research grants, scholarships, support groups and patient initiatives.
Our lifetime average is proudly $0.80 per dollar directly funding our programs.
Please see our Stewardship section under "About Us" for the latest information.
The Southeastern Brain Tumor Foundation strives to assure at least $0.65 of each dollar is spent directly on programs including research grants, scholarships, support groups and patient initiatives.
Our lifetime average is $0.80 per dollar directly funding our programs.
We believe seed funding will foster the continued development of emerging concepts, treatments, and therapies. We hope the projects funded by the SBTF might be a springboard from which researchers will garner additional data resulting in publications & recognition which has the potential to secure support from larger funding agencies, such as the National Institute of Health.
Commencing with the 2020 Grant Cycle, the SBTF no longer distributes a Request For (research) Proposals. Applications will now be presented to the SBTF through our partnership with other brain tumor organizations. This will streamline the process of receiving, vetting, reviewing, and scoring of proposals.
The SBTF, which is a not-for-profit organization and a public charity, is
governed by an all-volunteer Board of Directors.
Our Tax ID (EIN) number is 58-2166144. Upon request, we can provide a copy of our IRS 501(c)3 determination letter or W9.
The SBTF is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501 (c)3 not-for-profit organization. Additionally, the SBTF is recognized as a public charity.
The Southeastern Brain Tumor Foundation is a recognized 501(c) (3) not-for-profit organization and a public charity. Donations to the SBTF are deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Speak with your tax professional for further clarification.
Our short-term goals are:
1) to continue to streamline internal processes, minimizing expenses and maximizing the amount of funding that is applied toward our mission
2) to build partnerships with other brain tumor organizations and institutions which provide resources, information, or treatments specific to those diagnosed with a brain tumor
3) to continue to look for opportunities to raise awareness and funds for those facing a brain tumor diagnosis
Our long-term goal is to drive toward and witness advancements in the treatment plan for brain tumor and brain cancer patients which result in prolonged longevity of life, improved quality of life, and dare we say, eradication of brain cancer.
Gift cards and other means of patient support are offered through funding from the Patient Initiative Program. The items and services meant to offer support to patients currently undergoing treatment for a primary brain tumor are distributed by treatment facilities in the greater metro Atlanta area. Ask your treatment coordinator, care facilitator or nurse if your treatment facility is participating. If they are not, please have them contact us at to discuss a partnership.
The Foundation currently partners with treatment facilities such as Windship Cancer Center at Emory, Northside Forsyth Cancer Center, Piedmont Brain Tumor Center and Northeast Georgia Medical Center in the greater Atlanta metro area. If you'd like to suggest another treatment facility in the Atlanta area, please contact us with your contact information as well as a contact at the treatment facility. The program is for patients currently undergoing treatment for a primary brain tumor.
Please visit and login or create an account using the email entered during registration for an event or when gifting to the SBTF. From there you may update or change your personal information such as email, phone or address. You are able to see your past giving history and receipts for tax preparation.
Please visit and login or create an account using the email entered during registration for an event or when gifting to the SBTF. From there you may download a transaction report showing your monetary gifts, your in-kind gifts and any gifts credited to you.
Please email with your requested changes or request to end your recurring gift.
As an alternative, visit and login or create an account using the email entered during registration for an event or when gifting to the SBTF. From there you may view and/or change recurring gift settings.