How To Get Involved
Learn How You Can Help Southeastern Brain Tumor Foundation
Waiting for news on your own, whether for a new diagnosis or the next steps in your treatment, can be overwhelming. That’s why at our organization, we believe that we can make a difference when we are together.
Why We Need Your Support
Our nonprofit aims to fund brain tumor research in the hopes of finding a cure for this condition. We believe that without community involvement, we are unable to spread the word about this devastating disease.
Community support is also important in advancing research and bringing hope to those who are battling this disease. We are grateful to our supporters for everything that they have done and helped us accomplish. Some of them have been with us since our first Race for Research in 2000.
Fundraise Your Way
Create a personal fundraiser in support of SBTF to provide support, hope and courage for those affected by a brain tumor diagnosis. Consider a bake sale, BBQ dinner, hero challenge, tennis tournament, golf outing or just ask for donations instead of gifts on a special day. Honor a loved one, dedicate a birthday, or host your own fun event- wherever your imagination takes you. It is fun and easy!

lighten the load: Patient Support
We offer to lighten the load for those currently undergoing treatment for a primary brain tumor with the Patient Initiative program. The Foundation provides funds to metro Atlanta treatment partners who offer acts of kindness to patients such as help with groceries, transportation expenses, meal delivery or other aid. Funds raised during the annual Giving Tuesday campaign benefit this Initiative.
In addition, those facing frequent chemotherapy or radiation sessions love to receive a gift of care. Our care bags show our support. They include items such as knit hats, hard candy, puzzle books, pens, pencils, chap stick, lotion and other items helpful during treatment. We'd love your help by either donating items for the bags, offering your time to assemble and/or deliver the bags, or a monetary donation to purchase items for the bags. This is a perfect project for younger members of your family to support the brain tumor community with a collection drive. Please email us at [email protected] with questions or to find out where to deliver your collected items.
As an alternative, we offer an Amazon list of suggested items that will help brain tumor patients currently undergoing treatment. Any items purchased off that list will be shipped directly to the Foundation and then assembled into care bags and distributed by the Foundation.
Monetary donations to support this effort can be made on the Donation page under "Patient Initiatives"
"Dear SBTF Friends,
Thank you very much for the ... card. Laura heads up our brain tumor support group and she told me she had one for me. Things have been really difficult lately and this put a smile on my face.
P.S. Thank you for all the work you do on our behalf."

Do you have a special talent or passion? Do you have extra time on your hands? Do you want to immerse yourself in something meaningful? Below are some areas where you can put your talents to work and become an #SBTFsuperhero.
The SBTF offers volunteer opportunities at our events and throughout the year. We need volunteers to knit hats, deliver flyers to treatment centers, review scholarships, collect items for chemo care bags, and many other tasks.
“Some of you know us as team Gray Matters, and some of you know us as Steve, Susan, and Tom. We call ourselves ‘friends of the SBTF.’ We share a common goal with the foundation and with you. That goal is to champion brain tumor research and bring an end to brain tumors. When we’re not raising funds for brain tumor research, we’re volunteering with the SBTF throughout the year.”
Let’s Join Forces, email us at [email protected]
fundraising events
There is nothing we enjoy more than seeing our supporters come together to benefit the brain tumor community. We host several events each year to raise funds and share resources to benefit our mission to end brain tumors. You can find all upcoming events on our Events page, but our past events include:
- Race For Research 5k - a 5k/1k fun-run in downtown Atlanta
- Muddy Duck Dash - a family-friendly muddy obstacle course in NE Atlanta area
- Golf Invitational - a shotgun start round of golf on a premier Atlanta area course
- Pickleballin' for Brains - a pickleball tournament for all ages and skill levels

Let's Keep In Touch!
Send a free eCard
Choose from one of our free electronic cards to send a note to a family member, friend or loved one. Choose from several designs and sentiments at no charge. You can see some of the offered designs below! Click the button to get started sending an eCard!

Become a Sponsor
As a corporate sponsor of the Southeastern Brain Tumor Foundation’s annual Race For Research, or any other event, you can make brain tumor research grant funding possible. You can help defray our event production costs and heighten our ability to allocate the maximum amount of funds raised toward our mission.
We realize there are countless worthy causes in the world seeking your corporate support. That’s why we extend our thanks for your careful consideration of our humble request.
Imagine the difference you can make and the role you can play in helping to fund brain tumor research.
Peter S. Nicholas,
SBTF Board of Directors
The generosity of our community sponsors helps support patient programs and crucial medical research.

Go Gray in May
May is Brain Tumor Awareness Month:
130+ Types of Brain Tumors
700,000 Americans Are Living With a Brain Tumor
70,000+ Primary Brain Tumor Diagnoses This Year
20% of Diagnosed Brain Tumors Are Malignant
34.7% Avg Survival Rate for Malignant Brain Tumor Patients
#1 Cancer-Related Cause of Death Ages 0–19, Pediatric Brain Tumors
That’s Why We Go GRAY in May!
Will you get involved and Go GRAY, too?

Go Simple
- Wear GRAY and Even Send Us a Photo
- Write With GRAY Ink
- Pin GRAY Ribbons on Your Business Cards
- Print Our GRAY Ribbon Awareness Logo Onto Your Envelopes and/or Stationery
Go Big
- Have an Earl Grey Tea Party
- Display GRAY Ribbons Around Your Neighborhood or Community Center
- Encourage Your Church, School, or University to GO GRAY
- Collect Silver Coins; Sponsor GRAY Events; Host GRAY Displays
Go Social
- Make Your Facebook Cover Photo Something GRAY
- Use Hashtags
- #gogray
- #gograyinmay
- #SBTForg
- #getinvolved
- #hope
- #courage
- #braintumorawareness