Event Series:
Brain Tumor Awareness Month
Brain Tumor Awareness Month
May 1, 2026 - May 31, 2026

May is Brain Tumor Awareness Month:
- 130+ Types of Brain Tumors
- 700,000 Americans Are Living With a Brain Tumor
- 87,000+ Primary Brain Tumor Diagnoses This Year
- 20% of Diagnosed Brain Tumors Are Malignant
- 34.7% Avg Survival Rate for Malignant Brain Tumor Patients
- #1 Cancer-Related Cause of Death Ages 0–19, Pediatric Brain Tumors
That’s Why We Go GRAY in May!
Will you get involved and Go GRAY, too?
You can go simple:
- Wear gray and post on social media
- Pin gray ribbons on your business cards
- Hand out gray ribbons for others to wear
You can go big:
- Have an Earl Gray Tea Party
- Display gray ribbons around your neighborhood or community center
- Encourage your church, school or university to go gray
- Collect silver coins and donate
- Sponsor Go Gray events
Get Social!
- Change your social media profile picture to gray or black/white
- Use hashtags: #gogray #gograyinmay #SBTForg #BTAM #braintumorawareness