You can help unlock brain tumor science

Shared from the ABTA Mind Matters eNewsletter:

If you are an adult or parent of a child who has been diagnosed with a primary brain tumor, you can join a nationwide movement of patients and their families, doctors, and scientists by sharing your information and your voice.

The Brain Tumor Project aims to collect tumor tissue DNA so researchers can make discoveries that will ultimately lead to a better understanding of brain tumors. And, it’s as simple as providing a saliva sample and medical information via mail.

This research initiative is led by a coalition of major medical and research institutions and nonprofits, including Harvard, MIT, the Biden Cancer Initiative, an independent organization that builds on the Cancer Moonshot; the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, and partner organizations, such as the American Brain Tumor Association.

“To advance our knowledge and understanding of brain tumors, studying the tumors’ genes and molecular information can provide invaluable information to fight the disease,” said Ralph A. DeVitto, president and chief executive officer of the American Brain Tumor Association. “This initiative puts brain tumor research in the hands of the patient and their families to help accelerate research.”

Anonymous data generated from brain tumor samples and medical records will be shared with the biomedical community. By understanding the genes and the variations that drive this disease, and sharing this data with the scientific community, insights can be gained and more effective therapies can be developed.

Visit the Brain Tumor Project website to learn more or participate.

Shared from The Brain Tumor Project‘s Site:

What’s this project about?

The Brain Tumor Project is part of Count Me In, a nonprofit organization that’s pursuing a new approach to cancer research – bringing patients and researchers together as partners to accelerate discoveries.

Patients with brain tumors are empowered to contribute to breakthroughs and increase the pace of biomedical research, no matter where they live. By discovering the genes and the variants that drive this disease and sharing this data, we hope insights can be gained to develop more effective therapies.

To learn more about Count Me In, our mission, and other projects and published research, visit our site.

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