Want a free SBTF shirt? These limited-edition shirts are a great way to show your support of the brain tumor community and the Southeastern Brain Tumor Foundation. This shirt contains a gray ribbon logo on the front pocket and “sbtf.org” on one cuff and “Southeastern Brain Tumor Foundation” on the other cuff. You are able to choose your size as well as your color choice- deep denim blue (Blue Jean), soft blue (Chambray) or classic White.
Your generosity has allowed the SBTF to provide support groups, educational scholarships, critical research grants, and patient programs to help lighten the load. But the need is not over, will you help us impact more brain tumor patients? We are a not-for-profit 501(c)3, as well as a public charity, and donations made to the SBTF are deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.
As a thank you, all gifts of at least $100 made between 12/10/24 and 12/31/24 will receive a FREE Comfort Colors long-sleeved pocket t-shirt in your color choice!
Click HERE to select your free SBTF shirt today!

If you’d like to receive more than one shirt, please remit separate transactions, each at least $100. If you select a recurring donation, if the annual total is $100 or more you will receive the shirt. Shirts will be mailed in late January 2025 to the address entered during checkout.